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Back to School Security
On-campus self-defense and martial arts training.
 More of this Feature
• Part 1: Introduction
• Part 2: Security Audit
• Part 3: Property Crime
• Part 4: Sexual Assault
• Part 5: On-Campus Training
 Related Resources
• Protecting Children from Violence
• Martial Arts: Beginners
• Martial Arts: Self-Defense
• Martial Arts: Women


Many universities offer self-defense/rape awareness courses through the Women's Studies department or university police. These courses are usually free or at a minimal charge, and are well-worth the trouble.

Martial Arts

Most large universities have martial arts classes available through the Physical Education (PE) department. Since your child probably has to take some PE to fulfill basic requirements, why not take martial arts? He or she will pick up valuable self-defense skills while keeping fit.

These martial arts classes can sometimes be world-class. At San Jose State University, judo students will often find Olympians on the mat, including former world champion Mike Swain.

Many schools also have numerous martial arts clubs on campus. These clubs offer a chance to train and meet new friends.

We can't watch over our kids forever. But by empowering them with the skills to be aware and knowledgeable about self-protection, we can relax even when they're far from home.

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